men's & Women's Ministry

Discipleship Group breakouts

Our primary method for ministering to one another as men and women is through our Discipleship Groups. Once a month we break out into groups for more specific care. This looks a bit different for each group, particularly the men's breakouts, but the goal is the same: build one another up in truth, minister to one another, and encourage one another. In 2022/23 the women's breakouts will also be spending some time studying and discussing the Fruit of the Spirit. 

Men's Book Study aka the "Buffalo Club"

In our church we recognize that porn is a real problem for both men and women in our culture and that, once exposed to it, it can be very difficult to break its grasp on us. The use of porn is a sin pattern that carries a great weight of shame and we believe that no one should carry that burden alone. While we know men and women are both affected, we recognize that men make up the great majority of those who struggle with porn, and thus this book study was borne out of one of our Discipleship Group breakout groups. The goal of this group is to build a brotherhood of men who are building one another up and supporting each other in difficult moments by reinforcing the truth of God's word, confessing sin, and encouraging one another. 

Somewhat unofficially named the "Buffalo Club" (after the behavioral patterns of buffalo, who turn and face into storms rather than run from them) this group of men meet on the third Saturday of every month from 9-11am. For 2022/23 they are reading David Powlison's book "Making All Things New."

Special Events

Throughout the year we will also enjoy special events on the first Saturday of certain months tailored specifically toward men or women. 

JOY - Women's Spring Event | April 1, 2023, 9-11am

All women 12 and older are welcome to join us for a morning of teaching and fellowship. Light breakfast provided. Please sign up online by March 1.  

Men's & Women's A/V resources